6.5 Creedmoor vs .243 Winchester: In Depth Comparison

Why Compare the 6.5 Creedmoor with the .243 Winchester? The 6.5 Creedmoor is significantly more recent to the hunting scene than the.243 Winchester, which has a long history of use as a wonderful moderate recoiling deer hunting cartridge. There are several notable variations between the 6.5 Creedmoor and 243 Winchester cartridges that you should be … Read more

7.62x39mm vs .308 Winchester: What Should You Know?

Is 7.62×39 The Same as .308? The .308 and the 7.62✕39 are two iconic rifle cartridges with a deeply rooted history in military customs. Both cartridges were created with a specific purpose in mind for a military application, which successfully crossed over into the civilian market. The only similarity between these two cartridges is that … Read more

9mm Luger vs 10mm Auto: Best Handgun Ammo?

What’s The Difference Between 9mm vs 10mm Ammo? The self-defense cartridge king is the 9mm. The 9mm has had such a significant impact on American society that many individuals only know of this one cartridge. Fans of the Terminator may recite the catchphrase “Uzi nine millimetah” without even realizing what a “nine millimetah” is. The … Read more

300 Winchester Magnum vs .30-06 Springfield: Comparison

Why Compare The 300 Winchester Magnum vs 30-06 Springfield? The .300 Win Mag and the.30-06 Springfield are two of the current large game hunter’s preferred cartridges, and they are compared in this article. Both of these cartridges provide the hunter with exceptional field performance in terms of stopping force as well as ballistic performance. The … Read more